Posted by: Georgia Eye Physicians and Surgeons in Latest News, Uncategorized
Some of you may have heard the eyes described as “the windows to the soul” or heard a healthy, active person described as “bright-eyed” but how many of us actually understand just how closely tied those two phrases really are? In fact, doctors are recognizing more and more just how significant a role the eyes can play in diagnosing health. An eye exam can do more than just determine whether or not you need glasses. It can give doctors insight into some of the most important health considerations of our day. At Georgia Eye Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. William Segal and Dr. Mark Lay conduct comprehensive eye examinations designed to diagnose any eye or vision problems patients may experience.
Since the vitreous fluid is clear, an experienced eye doctor can look through the opening in the iris and see the blood vessels at the back of the retina quite easily. An examination with an ophthalmoscope, as part of the general exam, allows Dr. Segal and Dr. Lay to see the operation of blood vessels as they work, something that would generally require much more expensive testing with complex imaging equipment. These blood vessels are exposed to the same cholesterol level, sugar level, blood pressure, exercise and smoking as the rest of the body, and so can manifest the effects of those things quite clearly. Healthy blood vessels tend to take as straight a path as possible, however vessels with bends and kinks suggest the patient may be experiencing hypertension.
In all cases, Dr. Segal and Dr. Lay can fully recognize and diagnose these conditions, and always emphasize to patients that regular exams are important. If you have questions about diseases of the eye, or would like to schedule an appointment for an eye exam, please contact us today to make an appointment. Be sure to follow Georgia Eye Physicians and Surgeons on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for more tips for healthy eyes.