Posted by: Georgia Eye Physicians and Surgeons in Featured Patient

At Georgia Eye Physicians & Surgeons, we’re proud of the strong relationships and level of trust we’ve developed with our patients over the years. We work hard every day to give our patients the eyecare they need in a comforting, professional environment they deserve. While knowing that we help people see the world more clearly is the only reward we need, we sometimes get something extra in return for our dedication and hard work. A few months ago, one of our patients gave us 18 beautiful eye-themed quilts she made, and we decided to devote this week’s blog to just how special that patient is and how much we appreciate her heartfelt generosity. Per her request, we’ve changed her name to keep her identity anonymous. For today, we’ll call her Kay.

Kay is a wife, mother, and retired lawyer with three now-grown and, in her words, “extremely successful” children. If they inherited their mother’s creativity, work ethic, and attention to detail, we have no trouble believing that. Kay is no stranger to the eye doctor; now in her mid-sixties, she started wearing glasses in the fourth grade due to severe nearsightedness (myopia). She wore contact lenses for many years, and like many contacts wearers, she eventually developed dry eye and had to start wearing glasses. As the years went on, her eyes seemed to be out of sync and not focusing correctly.

Kay initially came to Georgia Eye Physicians & Surgeons at the referral of her dermatologist, as she had a mole on her eyelid that her dermatologist thought would be better treated by an experienced ophthalmologist. With her law background, Kay tends to do a lot of research on the medical professionals she sees. After looking into Dr. Segal’s background and confirming how experienced and educated he is, how satisfied his customers are, and how advanced his facilities are, Kay decided to put her trust in him. She’s been coming to Georgia Eye ever since.

Upon learning that Kay had diabetes, Dr. Segal recommended that she undergo a comprehensive medical eye exam. After a thorough examination, he recommended intraocular lenses and cataract surgery and performed both procedures on Kay. It takes some time after IOL surgery for the eyes to adjust, so Kay had to wait about three months between that and her cataract surgery. All in all, both surgeries were extremely successful. The only remaining side effect is a minor floater, which is very common with this surgery. “I would never let someone without a lot of experience and without a strong record of eye surgery success cut my eye,” she says. “I was terrified to have those procedures, but I trusted him, and I’m glad I did. I would absolutely come back to Dr. Segal again, because of this trust and his expertise. Today, I can read fine print and road signs—all without glasses or contacts! All I need is a strong light for reading.”

Kay says that the main reason she’ll continue to see Dr. Segal and the rest of the team at Georgia Eye Physicians & Surgeons can be summed up with that one word: trust. She says that, as a group, all the people involved in her care—the doctors, the office staff, the operating-room staff—are cohesive, all share the same message, and make her feel like she’s in capable, caring hands.

It makes us incredibly happy to share the experiences and kind words of our patients. If you’re currently a patient of Dr. William Segal or Dr. Marc Lay and, like Kay, would be interested in sharing your experiences, or if you’d like to learn more about us, please contact Georgia Eye Physicians & Surgeons to discuss your next steps. Be sure to follow us on Facebook (where you can currently view all of Kay’s quilts) and Twitter for more patient stories, tips for healthy eyes, and perhaps even more artwork from our incredible patients.