Posted by: Georgia Eye Physicians and Surgeons in Latest News, Uncategorized

If you’ve been out of the loop recently and haven’t heard of the latest craze in technology, Google Glass, the innovative Internet connected eyeglasses, you’re missing out. This wearable computer displays in a hands free, smartphone-like format and can communicate with the Internet by the use of your voice commands, tapping motions and gestures on a touch-sensitive side bar. Beginning by saying “Ok Glass…” or just by tapping your finger on the frames, the glasses will respond and you can choose to take pictures, record videos, get directions via Google Maps, send a text message, ask about the weather, translate languages, and more.

google-glass At Georgia Eye Physicians and Surgeons, we see a lot of ever-evolving trends in eyewear in both design and function. Now, as this tech accessory has caught fire, many individuals, businesses, athletes, and other professionals have taken a liking to this futuristic piece of eyewear. Most recently, the Sacramento Kings were the first professional sports team to stream live during their game using Google Glass, in which the live footage was played on the jumbotron during their game against the Cleveland Cavaliers in January. The glass has also been a hit with journalists around the world; as many reporters have been able to distribute news quickly and efficiently with just a tap of the finger rather than waiting on a smartphone to load the information.

With such popularity, one of the nation’s biggest vision care insurers, VSP Vision Care, plans to cover Google Glass. According to a recent article from Dallas News, VSP and Google Glass have now partnered to offer funded frames and prescription lenses for the tech-savvy eyewearer.  If you’re interested in an eye exam, getting contact lenses, or prescription glasses, please contact us today.  Be sure to follow Georgia Eye Physicians and Surgeons on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.