Posted by: Georgia Eye Physicians and Surgeons in Eye Care, Eye Diseases, Latest News, Spotlight Patient

Spotlight-Patient-For-June-2020 Welcome back to our ongoing Spotlight Patient series, where we highlight the impact our eye care services have had on the lives of our patients. After all, being able to help our patients and treat their vision issues is the whole reason we started Georgia Eye Physicians & Surgeons. Hearing back from our patients and knowing that we’ve truly been able to make a difference in their lives means everything to us. This month, we’ll be focusing on Katherine, a long-time patient of ours who came to Dr. William Segal to see how he could help her with her cataracts. As you will read, Katherine was more than satisfied with her experience here at Georgia Eye Physicians & Surgeons.

Katherine is a retired registered nurse living in Duluth. She and her husband are greatly looking forward to becoming grandparents for the first time in August. After years of coming to Georgia Eye for routine eye exams and other vision needs, she visited Dr. Segal two years ago to see what she could do about her persistent cataracts and blurry vision.

“I had worn contact lenses for 55 years. For several years, I had worn one contact for close vision and one for distance. Dr. Segal told me that undergoing cataract surgery could help me achieve even more substantial vision correction results.” Dr. Segal recommended bilateral cataract surgery to correct Katherine’s issues. “While I would normally be anxious about surgery, the fact that I knew and trusted Dr. Segal gave me great confidence about my procedure.”

Needless to say, the results have been fantastic for Katherine. “I love the fact that I don’t need contacts or glasses for any reason. The monovision lenses that he used are beyond my expectations. I can see clearly to read and at longer distances. When I see friends who have had cataract surgery reach for their reading glasses, I consider myself extremely lucky to have had Dr. Segal as my eye doctor. He and his entire staff were wonderful.”

When asked if she would come back to Dr. Segal and Georgia Eye Physicians & Surgeons if she ever had additional eye care needs, Katherine told us, “I hope I don’t need further surgery but would not hesitate to have him perform it.” It’s so wonderful to hear that Katherine’s experience has been so positive. We wanted to take a moment to thank her, as well as all of our other patients we have heard back from over the years. Your kind words inspire us to continue doing the very best for each patient we help. If you would like to share an experience of your own, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with us, please contact Georgia Eye Physicians & Surgeons today. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for additional patient stories, eye care tips, and much more.